Blast From the Past no. 10 (21/07/2018)
With talk of weddings in the air, here's one from April 1985 - sister Anne's marriage to Martin Woollacott. Shot on Kodak VR 100.

Scan of Original Kodak VR100 35mm Negative
Blast From the Past no. 9 (04/07/2018)
"Impressions of Venice". Accidental double exposures are always a possibility with film cameras, so here's one that turned out well. Shot on Kodak Ektar 125.

Scan of Original Kodak Ektar 125 35mm Negative
Blast From the Past no. 8 (01/07/2018)
Honeymoon over, and after a week back at work it's time for the Sunallon C.C. tour. Here's a rear view of some of the tour party. Shot on Fuji Super HG 400. Timely, as this too took place during the World Cup (June 1990).

Scan of Original Fuji Super HG 400 35mm Negative
Blast From the Past no. 7 (27/06/2018)
This is one of my earliest photographs - from April 1980. It shows the corner of Catte St. in Oxford dressed up as Divinity Rd. in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for the filming of Michael Cimino's western, "Heaven's Gate". Note the anachronistic graffiti bottom left. Shot on Kodacolor II with a Rolliecord TLR.

Scan of Original Kodacolor II 6x6cm Negative
Blast From the Past no. 6 (19/06/2018)
Back to school now - well almost. Here are old school chums, Roger Pickup and Hywel Benjamin, during a visit Hywel and I made to Anglesey in June 1981. Shot on Kodacolor CII probably in Beaumaris.

Scan of Original Kodacolor CII 35mm Negative
Blast From the Past no. 5 (14/06/2018)
One from our honeymoon in May/June 1990, based around Lake Garda. From a day trip to Venice here is the Bridge of Sighs shot on Ilford FP4.

Scan of Original Ilford FP4 35mm Negative
Blast From the Past no. 4 (11/06/2018)
An appropriate scan for today, Richard's birthday. This one taken in Guernsey in 1997 on Agfa Scala B&W slide film. Happy Birthday, Rich!

Scan of original Agfa Scala 35mm slide.
Blast From the Past no. 3 (08/06/2018)
Continuing the sibling theme, here's eldest brother, Howard, in October 1984. He's playing in a Wilmslow v. Dicky Greenwood XV match. Opposite number at scrum-half is ex-England player Steve Smith - so a rare appearance in the same game, I guess. Is that a young Rob Andrew on the left?

Scan of Original Ilford HP5 35mm Negative
Blast From the Past no. 2 (05/06/2018)
Here's sister, Anne, aged nineteen, shot on Kodacolor VR1000.

Scan of Original Kodacolor VR1000 Negative
Blast From the Past no. 1 (02/06/2018)
I've started to scan old slides and negatives so stay tuned for regular additions to this album. Watch out for embarrassing clothes, haircuts and baby pictures. You know who you are! I'll kick off though with one of Sonia aged 28 taken during a New Year break in Sandwich.