Blast From the Past no. 20 (12/10/2018)
These three university chums out together today to celebrate a birthday. Here they are 26 years previously - shot on Jessops SHR 100 in July 1992.

Scan of original Jessops SHR 100 35mm negative.
Blast From the Past no. 19 (03/10/2018)
Looks like a rare babysitting opportunity for a night out in Brighton - shot on Agfa Portrait 160.

Scan of original Agfa Portrait 160 35mm negative.
Blast From the Past no. 18 (20/09/2018)
"Howzat!" Grappenhall in action against a Cheshire XI during June 1981, featuring Geoff Swann umpiring, Rick Houghton running towards the danger end and Nick Sharp safely home - shot on Ilford HP5

Scan of Original Ilford HP5 35mm Negative
Blast From the Past no. 17 (12/09/2018)
A flurry of activity preparing our flats for sale - August 1990 - shot on Kodak Ektar 125.

Scan of Original Kodak Ektar 125 35mm Negative
Blast From the Past no. 16 (06/09/2018)
A timely one this week, following the recent Marks / De Freitas family party - a candid shot of Sonia's cousin Diane taken around Christmas 1990 on Fuji Reala.

Detail from Scan of Original Fuji Reala 35mm Negative
Blast From the Past no. 15 (30/08/2018)
A rare personal appearance. Here I am with college friends Anne, Nick, Bridget & Steph, posing in the Broad in Oxford in May 1980. Shot with the Rolleicord on Kodacolor II, but rendered in B&W to disguise considerable repair to an underexposed negative with a piece of sellotape stuck across it.

Monochrome conversion with extensive repairs

Scan of Original Kodacolor II 6x6cm Negative
Blast From the Past no. 14 (23/08/2018)
One of my favourite pictures of Rachael, aged about 3 months and shot on Kodak Ektar 100.

Scan of Original Kodak Ektar 100 35mm Negative
Blast From the Past no. 13 (03/08/2018)
Here are Sonia's Mum, sister and two nieces in July 1990. Shot on Kodak Ektar 125.

Blast From the Past no. 12 (03/08/2018)
I warned about big hair and embarrarrasing the children, so here's one with both. A lovely family group after the Christening of Joseph. Shot on Kodak Ektar 125 in August 1990.