In June 2018 I started to scan old slides and negatives so stay tuned for regular additions to this series. Watch out for embarrassing clothes, haircuts and baby pictures. You know who you are!
BLAST FROM THE PAST NO. 100 (10/12/2020)
Time to draw this to a close. I was hoping to find the negative for this particular image, but it hasn't turned up. So, I've resorted to scanning the print, complete with fading, and scratches from having fallen off the wall several times over that last thirty years. Or maybe a vintage B&W look suits it better? Shot at Fingal Bridge on the River Teign in Devon in May 1989, when a selfie was a much more complicated exercise.
BLAST FROM THE PAST NO. 99 (1/12/2020)
A rare convergence of both sets of grandparents, the occasion being Richard's Christening in January 1994. Not that he looks terribly pleased about it. Shot on Kodak Gold 400.
BLAST FROM THE PAST NO. 98 (23/11/2020)
Diane, Maggie and Maisie on the occasion of the latter's Christening party. Shot (probably) in September 1999 on Kodak Royal Gold 200.
Blast From The Past No. 97 (18/11/2020)
Another portrait from college days - here is Sheila gazing wistfully across Catte Street towards the library. To study or not to study, that's the question. Shot on 25th June 1980 with a Pentax ME borrowed from my Dad on Kodacolor CII.
Blast From The Past No. 96 (9/11/2020)
Bit of a break from scanning for a few weeks, but now here is a rare photograph of Rachael practising her flute.  Shot on Kodak Royal Gold 200 colour negative film around Christmas 1999.
Blast From The Past No. 95 (19/09/2020)
Richard meets some of his many cousins for the first time, but who left that watering can lying around? Shot on unidentified colour negative film in June 1993.
Blast From The Past No. 94 (6/09/2020)
I'm reminded that there are only 108 shopping days to go this year, so here is a Christmassy one from thirty years ago. Steve looks to be producing something even more fascinating than his shirt: I suspect Pictionary. Shot in Brighton 1990 on Fuji Reala.
Blast From The Past No. 93 (21/08/2020)
Happy Birthday, Mum. Hope to see you again very soon. Shot at home in Lymm during April, 1986 on Ilford HP5.
Blast From The Past No. 92 (29/07/2020)
This photograph of college friend Eileen is from only my 5th roll of 120 film (12 shots per roll) and it's the first one that I would (with 40 years of hindsight) call a portrait rather than a snapshot. Shot with my borrowed Rolleicord TLR on Kodacolor CII on the banks of the Thames in late May 1980.
Blast From The Past No. 91 (22/07/2020)
Happy Birthday, Rachael. I'm not sure what's going on here. It looks like some sort of toddler martial arts kata. Shot on Ilford XP2 400 in April 1992.
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