Blast From The Past No. 90 (18/07/2020)
Happy Birthday, Sonia. Here you are looking fabulous in Bali, Crete where there was never any taramasalata. Shot on Kodachrome in August 1989. Colour balance a bit off so just warmed up a bit.

Scan of original Kodachrome 35mm slide.
Blast From The Past No. 89 (13/07/2020)
There is a timeless look to this one of children in the garden, spoilt only by what look like ice-cream and muffins. Shot on Ilford HP5 Plus on the occasion of Sonia's birthday, 18th July 1993.

Scan of original Ilford HP5 Plus 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 88 (7/07/2020)
Let's celebrate the imminent start of the first test match of the Summer and, now the ball is no longer considered a "vector of disease", the beginning of the season for thousands of club cricketers across the land. Here's one of the latter - brother-in-law Brian - looking very pleased with his innings as he leaves the field at Buxted Park in July 1993. Shot on Ilford HP5 Plus.

Scan of original Ilford HP5 Plus 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 87 (29/06/2020)
Cousins pictured whilst their Mums were taking part in the Worthing Christmas Cracker 10K run in December 2004. Shot on Fujifilm Superior 200. I couldn't decide whether to show the full frame or a closer crop (mainly because I'd cut off most of their feet), so here are both.

Scan of original Fujifilm Superior 200 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 86 (25/06/2020)
Presently I'm feeling a little bit sad for this year's university finalists, apparently completing their papers alone at home. This week forty years ago I was finishing my own finals, and here I am back then strolling home along New College Lane, with a posse of friends, after finishing my last exam. Shot on Kodacolor II on 23rd June 1980, it's yet another example of my nonchalant entrusting of my Dad's Pentax to a third party. Once again I'm unsure who took the picture, so if you see this and it was you, let me know. Just hope this year's finalists are adhering to the dress-code 👨🏻🎓😀!

Scan of original Kodacolor II 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 85 (21/06/2020)
One for Fathers' Day - didn't they look lovely in July 1993 when Rachael was 2 and Richard hardly anything? Shot on Kodak Gold Plus 100.

Scan of original Kodak Gold Plus 100 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 84 (17/06/2020)
Trawling through this archive, I'm constantly reminded of my wife's beauty (not that I need to be). Here's another one of Sonia and (as she's about eight months pregnant) implicitly of Richard too. Shot at Hatchlands on Agfa Portrait 160 in May 1993. Good scan - just cropped, then softened and warmed up a bit.

Scan of original Agfa Portrait 160 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 83 (11/06/2020)
Happy Birthday, Rich! Not the most techically excellent portrait, but no less amusing for that. Shot on Kodak Ektar 25 in May 1994.

Scan of original Kodak Ektar 25 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 82 (7/06/2020)
A family group on the occasion of Auntie Val and Uncle Frank's 50th wedding anniversary in August 1998. Shot on Kodak Gold 200. Not sure who pressed the shutter release, but I'm second from the left at the back with Richard on my shoulders, so clearly not me. Sonia maybe?

Scan of original Kodak Gold 200 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 81 (29/05/2020)
"I'm on my mobile!" Diane and Joseph on the occasion of Sonia's birthday, 18th July 1993. Shot on Ilford HP5 Plus.