Blast From The Past No. 60 (18/01/2020)
It's the eighties, so let's go mad with the soft focus effects! Here's Sonia in Cambridge, July 1989. Shot on Fuji 100 ASA colour negative film.

Scan of original Fuji 100 ASA colour negative film.
Blast From The Past No. 59 (15/01/2020)
Cousins at Dunham Massey in October 2000. Shot on Kodak Royal Gold 200.

Scan of original Kodak Royal Gold 200 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 58 (10/01/2020)
Two for one again. Another revisit prompted by the rearrangement of our wall-mounted pictures. Here's Rachael in August 1994 first cycling along Brighton seafront and then on the steps at her grandparents house in Herbert Road. Shot on Agfa Optima 400 in a second-hand Russian Zorki 4K camera.

Scan of original Agfa Optima 400 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 57 (28/12/2019)
The ending of a year is a time for introspection, so here is a fairly self-indulgent self-portrait from January 1984. Shot on an unknown colour negative film - I was buying 100 ft rolls and cutting my own film in those days.

Scan of original unknown 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 56 (12/12/2019)
As we've just put up our tree, here's a blast from the past from Christmas 1993. Shot on Agfa Portrait 160.

Scan of original Agfa Portrait 160 35mm negative.

Blast From The Past No. 55 (6/12/2019)
Howard Fitton politely indicates the location of the ball to his forwards. Sale v. Manchester, October 1984. Shot on Ilford HP5.

Scan of original 35mm Ilford HP5 negative.
Blast From The Past No. 54 (29/11/2019)
Black Friday - Two for One! Another revisit prompted by the rearrangement of our wall-mounted pictures, having finally tracked these negatives down (or should that be "up") in the loft. Here's Rachael posing in May 1994 at the sadly now defunct Gatwick Zoo. Shot on Ilford HP5. Lovely negatives - just a little dust/scratch removal, some added contrast and gold tone.

Scan of original 35mm Ilford HP5 negative.

Scan of original 35mm Ilford HP5 negative.
Blast From The Past No. 53 (19/11/2019)
We've seen these formidable ladies before in BFTP 42. Here they are pre-race, relaxing by the river. Shot with the Rolleicord TLR on Kodacolor II in May 1980.

Scan of original Kodacolor 6x6cm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 52 (14/11/2019)
Prompted to revisit this shot of Sonia from June 2001 after a rearrangment of our wall-mounted pictures at home and a desire to reprint it. It was taken on a family holiday near Rome and shot on Kodachrome.

Scan of original 35mm Kodachrome transparency.
Blast From The Past No. 51 (7/09/2019)
"Stuck in the Mud" - an ice-cream man struggles to release his van from the mud during a wet Eights Week Saturday in Oxford in May 1982. Hertford College's boathouse is in the background. Shot on Kodak Tri-X Pan.