Blast From The Past No. 70 (05/04/2020)
Another one for reprinting and rehanging. Here's Richard at Christmas in 1994, modelling his new bobble-hat . Shot on Agfa Portrait 160.

Scan of original Agfa Portrait 160 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 69 (26/03/2020)
An early effort after borrowing my Dad's Pentax ME - Bernie distracted from The Times. Shot in Hertford College Middle Common Room sometime between 31st May and 3rd June 1980 on Kodak CII 35mm film. Poor exposure but looks OK in B&W.

Scan of original 35mm Kodacolor CII negative.
Blast From The Past No. 68 (22/03/2020)
One for Mothers' Day and some lovely Spring light to brighten up our dull lives at present - Sonia with Richard (aged about 11 months) in May 1994. Shot on Kodak Ektar 25.

Scan of original Kodak Ektar 25 35mm negative,
Blast From The Past No. 67 (20/03/2020)
Three friends from primary school (all grown-up here though) outside the café at Chartwell in Kent in April 2002. Shot on Kodak Gold Ultra 400.

Scan of original Kodak Gold Ultra 400 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 66 (18/03/2020)
I had meant to post this on 19th April, but now the Brighton marathon has been postponed, why wait? Here's Richard in July 2000 showing early promise. Shot on Kodak Royal Gold 200 at Littlehaven Infants' School.

Scan of original Kodak Royal Gold 200 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 65 (10/03/2020)
Here's a couple of likely lads! Drinking in Hertford College bar on 14th June 1980. Shot on Kodacolor CII.

Scan of original Kodacolor CII 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 64 (29/02/2020)
Stephanie holding Rachael aged about 3 months. Probably taken on the same day in October 1991 as no. 14. Shot on Kodak Ektar 100.

Scan of original Kodak Ektar 100 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 63 (23/02/2020)
Two Heads are Better Than One - Donna and Steve celebrate the end of finals outside Hertford College in Catte Street, Oxford, June 26th, 1980. Shot on Kodacolor CII. My scanning expertise has improved over the course of this series, so revisiting of few of my earlier and originally less successful efforts.

Scan of original Kodacolor CII 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 62 (16/02/2020)
So, you're taking a gentle boat trip around Plymouth harbour and one the kids says, "What's that following us, Dad?" Well it was H.M.S. Ocean being towed up the Tamar estuary by the tugboats Careful, Faithful & Forceful. June 2002 and I understand she was returning from Sierra Leone. Shot on Kodak Royal Gold 200.

Scan of original Kodak Royal Gold 200 35mm negative.
Blast From The Past No. 61 (09/02/2020)
Mother and daughter at friends' wedding in Woodbridge on 14th July 1989. Thirty-one years later the latter has a one-year old daughter of her own. I couldn't identify the 100 ASA colour negative. It also has a fair amount of mould damage, which I decided to leave well alone rather than try to fix, hence the crazed "old master" effect (if you look closely enough).